ALC KC 3-Day Gathering - Fall 2023
10月12日 週四
|Raytown, MO
"Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord" - Jer 31:12 What a great description of our times together!

2023年10月12日 下午5:30 – 2023年10月14日 下午6:30
Raytown, MO, 6400 Woodson Rd, Raytown, MO 64133, USA
Announcing – 3rd annual ALC KC 3-Day Gathering - Oct 12th-14th
Dear ALC friends
Each of our previous 3-Day Gatherings has raised the water level for us and created new paradigms of encounter where flowing with Holy Spirit in the Heavenlies is agenda number one. We’re extremely excited about what God is awakening in all of our hearts regarding our new creation identities and ascended life inheritances. A new day is dawning upon us! It’s truly changing our hearts, our practices, our vocabulary and the way we function in our world around us. It’s revolutionary! Most of us have enjoyed the discoveries of many past movements of God… and they’ve all been amazingly GOOD! But this new day is epic… indicative that a new age is emerging.
As a result, we’re all eager to meet together to share our experiences and our enthusiasm with each other.
YOU ARE INVITED to join us as we rally around many new discoveries and the resulting testimonies.
Please RSVP at
Here are the details:
This year's ALC KC 3-Day Gathering will be marked by as much ‘above-the-line’ emphasis and activations as possible. Our whole objective will be to engage and activate our Heavenly focus and orientation - in concept, word and deed. This three-day occasion will be like a big family reunion and a very rewarding group adventure. As a result of our Heavenly focus and objectives, our times together will be much more spontaneous and interactive than most conferences. This ‘above-the-line’ region contains so much spark and combustibles that it’s very likely to ‘explode’ all over us. You watch, we’re going to be pleasantly surprised by some exhilarating freedoms and over-the-top experiences!! We’ll likely laugh until our sides ache… and we’ll probably need a case of Kleenex tissues for those tender times. Most of us will have first-time Heavenly experiences that will be forever etched in our memories.
Our worship times will be reflective of worshiping IN Heaven versus TO Heaven. We will lay aside our past sin consciousness in exchange for enjoying the liberating and empowering realities of our royal identity and righteousness-consciousness in Him. While being in Heaven, our spontaneous singing and songs of the Lord will be anchored in the Throne room environment. In that environment we’ll worship and prophesy with the same confidence that Jesus spoke… because we’ve HEARD! We may 1) lavish adoration on Him, we may 2) prophesy over whatever Heaven’s agenda is in that moment, we may 3) soar through the Heavens or earth in a Holy Spirit led mission, or we may 4) sing Father’s song over each other.
We’ll engage with lots of activations to exercise our faith and engage with our spirit man. The aim is to bring our soul-man into alignment with the realities that our spirit-man is enjoying - right now. So, we have some strategic activations… and some fun ones. We recommend that you unbuckle your seat belt and get ready to go somewhere we’ve never been. It's the best! Jesus and Holy Spirit are the best tour Guides.
What kinds of activations?
· Entering Jesus, the Door – John 10:9
· Acclimating to, perceiving and engaging the Throne/Heavenly environment
· Individual and corporate Heavenly experiences
· Aligning our soul and body with our spirit and the Spirit of God
· Corporate ascension – Ex 24:9-11
· See Jesus in our physical room… ask Him questions
· Introduction to our angel(s) – name and purpose/function
· See angels in the room – with spiritual and natural eyes
· Corporate collective hearing and responding to Heaven’s theme
· Transfiguration – a fun beginning exercise – you’ll laugh
· We’ll likely travel in the Spirit and explore other destinations
· Look and listen for ‘treasure hunt clues’ to use in our Heavenly commissions
· Instruction for how to make these Heavenly experiences relevant for children
· Sketch your Heavenly home and travels – fun! 😊
There will be some expository sharing where we lay out the Biblical soundness and precedence of our epic transition from below-the-line (earth-based Christianity) to above-the-line (Heaven-based sonship) (Jn 3:13 and Col 3:1-3). We realize that there are some trigger words and practices in our encounters that could potentially offend the mind, and we’ll try to dispel some of these. But, since many of us have been exploring this exciting frontier for several years, we won’t spend a lot of time re-laying all the elementary Scriptures for each point. Over 250 short thematic videos on our ALC video channel cover many of these topics. Search them by topic… and they’re all free! Help yourself.
We’ve had many powerful watershed experiences over the last few years… and we intend to share as many of these testimonies as time will allow. As we share testimonies, we’ll try to ‘return’ to the ‘fever’ of the ‘moment of impact’. O boy, I can just feel it now, it’s gonna be the best kind of messy!! As you know, in the retelling of a testimony, there is a strong potential for faith to arise sufficient for it to happen again. More activations and impartations will spring out of those power-packed moments.
There will no doubt, be many ‘audibles’ called throughout our time together, just because of the nature of our above-the-line theme. But here is a rough outline:
5:30 Meet & Greet Dinner - Pizza, veggies
7-9 Unscripted worship, sharing and activations
12 Salad Lunch
1 Activations, testimonies and interviews
5:30 Dinner at our location - Chili Bar / Veggie Soup
7-9 Holy Spirit directed freestyle worship, sharing and activations
9 Continental Breakfast / Coffee Bar
10 Debrief, raise the bar and stoke the fires
12 Lunch at our location - Chicken Fajitas
1:30 Activations, testimonies and interviews and communion
5-6:30 Dinner at our location - African Meal
(MEALS & COFFEE BAR provided throughout Gathering)
We’ll give each person a folder of loose documents for reading, following along or studying later. This will include recommended books that we endorse. On our ALC website is a large list of online videos, podcasts and audio resources from many anointed ministries.
Vision casting
Where do we go from here? What is God doing? How do we steward it? What is my part? Will the larger Church of Jesus catch this? What about ‘kick-back’? Is there a group near me? What about spurious doctrines and practices? Is being a ‘mystic’ Biblical? What about the questionable practices or failures of other mystics? Are we in a new age? Is it OK to say the word – new age? What does it mean? How can I know what changes to expect? How can I prepare for them?
These questions and many more will be addressed in such a way so as to arm us with the best awareness of what we should do after our Gathering.
REGISTRATION – The cost is FREE...including meals. But if you’d like to help, contributions can be made through our 501(c)3 ministry,
Dwelling Place Ministries, (DPM)
11011 Olive St, Kansas City, MO 64131
6400 Woodson Rd
Raytown, MO 64133
Sorry NO CHILDCARE provided
Gathering hosts
Ascended Life Community
Dwelling Place Ministries
Kansas City, MO
Email –
Web –
Volunteers welcomed. We welcome your help in these areas:
· Greeters/Registration
· Meals & Coffee Bar - help with preparation, serving & cleanup
· Practical needs – Food, drinks, paper supplies, cups, utensils, communion, flowers, etc.
· Main Room - Setup/cleanup every session
· Final Building Cleaning must be completed by Sat 7pm (help would be appreciated)
For further reference
ALC video channel - DPM/ALC video channel
ALC itinerary - ALC/DPM itinerary & events
Hotel accommodations
Holiday Inn Express - (8 mins)
8551 E Blue Pkwy Dr
Kansas City, MO 64133